Is your baby crawling, and pulling himself up on everything?
Then it's time to baby proof your house. Here are some ideas to
help you make your home safe for your baby and how to baby proof
your home.
Keep all cords on your curtains or drapes tied up and out of
your baby's reach. Your baby could get entangled in them, or
the cord could get wrapped around his neck. Don't ever put a
crib or playpen next to a window with reachable cords.
Convertible Crib And Changer
Install window guards so your baby can't fall through the
screens on windows that are above ground level. Adjust the
window guards so you can't open the window more than 6 inches.
Also, protect your screen door with a safety gate so your child
can't fall through.
Cover electrical outlets with plastic covers to prevent baby
from sticking things in them.
Move electrical cords out of your baby's reach. Place them
behind furniture so your baby doesn't chew on them, or pull a
heavy object on top of him.
Attach unstable furniture (i.e. bookcases or dressers) to the
wall so baby can't pull them down on himself.
Get rid of houseplants or move them out of your baby's reach.
Houseplants can be pulled down on your baby and chances are the
plants could be poisonous.
Put gates at the top and bottom of stairs to prevent baby from
falling down the stairs.
Place corner guards or cushioned strips on coffee tables or
anything that has any sharp corners. If your baby could fall
into it and its sharp, cover it up.
Lock the garage and any hobby areas. The garage is usually where
all of the poisonous household cleaners are kept, and you don't
want your baby to get hold of small objects he could choke on.
Keep your baby out of home offices. Pens, paper shredders, and
electrical cords pose possible threats.
Put child proof handles on certain doors to keep your baby from
entering the rooms you don't want him in.
Keep bathroom doors shut, use baby gates, or use a toilet lock
so your baby can't fall into the toilet and drown.
Get down on your baby's level and remove anything within three
feet of his reach that may be dangerous.
Get cabinet locks for the kitchen and bathroom so your baby
can't get into the trash or anything poisonous underneath the
Some common household items that you may consider putting up out
of reach of your baby are: string, balloons, spare change,
needles, sewing supplies, alcoholic beverages, cleaning
supplies, candy, batteries, guns, knifes, perfumes, cosmetics,
razors, jewelry, light bulbs, candles, matches or lighters,
marbles, scissors, letter openers, pens, pencils, etc. These are
just a few hazardous items around the house that could cause
injury or death. Be on the lookout for these and similar
Hopefully this will help give you some ideas on how to baby proof
your home and make it safe for you and your baby.